Wealth on Purpose: Your Path to Grow , Protect, and Keep Wealth

With the right help and direction, everyone has the potential to be financially successful. Unfortunately, many people fail to find the help and advice they need to create the wealth they deserve. Others never maximize the wealth and peace of mind they could have had even after becoming successful. Most of the time that’s because wealth management can be confusing, hard to understand, and a participatory sport. Rather than embracing the opportunity, people often just hope for the best and never plan for all that could be theirs for generations to come.

That’s exactly why Bryan Ballentine wrote this book! He takes a topic that is often complex and overwhelming and delivers it in a clear and easy to grasp manner. Infused with a good sense of humor, this book makes wealth management and financial planning enjoyable. Bryan shares relatable stories and provides a proven strategy to turbocharge your financial path. The tools and ideas that Bryan shares in these pages can help you grow, protect, and keep your Wealth…on Purpose!